Dr. Monica Autiero
Dr. Monica Autiero is a Senior Consultant at ToxMinds BVBA and leads ToxMinds’ efforts in the area of non-animal based safety assessments with particular focus on (Q)SAR modelling and identifying analogue and read across-based hazard assessment approaches. She has significant project experience in using in silico tools under various EU regulatory frameworks, particularly with regard to developing read-across justification in line with ECHA’s Read Across Assessment Framework (RAAF) under REACH or the SCCS guidance for the safety evaluation of cosmetic ingredients.
Before joining ToxMinds in 2013, she worked for many years in various positions in academia at the University in Leuven and as project manager in GlaxoSmithKline. Monica is a trained biologist with a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University Paris XI, France.
Languages: EN, IT, FR
Dr. Monica Autiero
Senior Consultant
Phone: +32 (0)2 762 91 45
Email: contact me
Chemicals, Cosmetics, Pharma, Green biotechnology
REACH, QSAR & PPBK modelling, Analogue identification & read-across justification
- Reducing uncertainty in read across based chemical safety assessments.
Mishra S, Autiero M, Balteau M, Tencalla F, Petry T. Toxicology Letters 2016, 258:S314.