Ms. Ingrid Dorini
Ms. Ingrid Dorini a Research Associate at ToxMinds. She provides toxicology, regulatory and consortium management support for various project.
Prior to join ToxMinds, Ingrid has carried out an internship in a cosmetic company, working on the safety assessment of the products, where she moved the first steps in the regolatory context. The results of such experience is her master thesis on the safety and regulatory aspects of UV filters in sunscreen products in the European Union. Ingrid holds a MS in Safety Assessment of Xenobiotics and Biotechnological products (SAXBi) from the faculty of pharmacological sciences at Università degli studi di Milano.
Languages: IT, EN
Ms. Ingrid Dorini
Research Associate
Phone: +32 (0)2 762 91 45
Email: contact me
Literature search, Human hazard assessment, Regulatory toxicology