Evaluation of skin sensitisation potential of a class of functionalised chemicals on the basis of in silico, in vitro and in vivo data
ToxMinds assessed and evaluated the skin sensitisation potential of functionalised chemicals on the basis of in silico, in vitro and in vivo data. The work yielded in three publications in a peer-reviewed journal.
We were engaged by a European Chemical Manufacturer Association in the context of a research programme that aimed at evaluating the skin sensitisation potential of a class of functionalised chemicals and assessing recently developed and partly validated in vitro assays for the skin sensitisation assessment of this chemical class. The findings throughout the research programme posed a number of challenges, including discordant in vivo results depending of the in vivo protocol being used and technical issues in the running of the in vitro assay due to the chemical properties of some of testing materials. Our role in the context of this work was to analyse and assess all data that have been generated as part of the research programme. This included in vivo data generated according to OECD TG 406 (i.e., GPMT, Buehler) and OECD TG 429 (LLNA), and in vitro, this included data generated in the DPRA, KeratinoSens™, h-CLAT and the SENS-IS. In the context of our evaluations, we also included information generated by structure activity relationship analysis and human experience to determine the overall weight of the evidence. The work yielded in three articles in the scientific journal Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology.