Human health risk assessment of a biocidal product line for due diligence purposes
ToxMinds supported the acquisition of a biocidal product line by a multinational consumer product company by demonstrating the safety of the products for children and adults under in-use conditions.
In the context of an acquisition of a biocidal product line, we supported a multinational consumer product firm in its due diligence evaluations to ensure product safety in line with EU BPR requirements. In this context, we assessed a total of 12 actives being used in various types of insecticidal formulations (CIK, FIK, AIK, liquids/mats). Taking into account all toxicological information identified, we identified the POD studies to derive acceptable exposure limits (AEL) and assed consumer exposures using the ConsExpo exposure modelling tool. For each exposure scenario, the exposures were compared with acute and chronic AELs to calculate individual and aggregate risk characterisation ratios (RCR) for the relevant routes of exposure (oral, dermal, inhalation) for adults and children. The results were reported in standardised risk assessment reports, which formed the basis for the client’s approval of the acquisition of the home insecticide line from a human health point-of-view.