Ms. Neha Barai
Ms. Neha Barai is an Associate Consultant at ToxMinds India Consulting Pvt. Ltd. with more than 4 years’ experience in toxicological research and regulatory affairs. She supports ToxMinds on various projects including comprehensive literature searches, data gap analysis, hazard assessments, robust study summary preparation using IUCLID, QSAR modelling and QPRF generation, data compilation, reliability scoring for endocrine assessment projects, REACH and Biocides dossier development and study monitoring.
Prior to joining ToxMinds, Neha worked in a GLP certified AAALAC accredited laboratory as a study personnel in acute toxicity, repeated dose toxicity, AMES test, micronucleus study, LLNA and Pharmacology studies and as a study director in acute toxicity and pharmacological studies with hands on OECD, ICH and ISO guidelines. There, she also served as a QA-auditor.
Neha hold MS (Pharm) in Pharmacology and Toxicology from National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), S.A.S Nagar, India.
Ms. Neha Barai
Research Associate
Phone: +91 804 204 19 20
Email: contact me
REACH and BPR IUCLID dossier development, Human and ecotoxicological hazard assessment, Regulatory toxicology